Success stories

Benefits of NLP therapy and coaching

Here are some success stories from clients showing the range of benefits of NLP – for children, teens and adults, across a wide variety of personal issues.

Latest clients

Family therapy

“I was recommended Diana for some therapy for myself, but after going to her it became apparent that there was a lot of stress coming from family relationships. I have since had a family counselling session and individual sessions with members of the family. I was unsure at first about the thought of having a session with my family but what an amazing experience. She opened our eyes on how we view each other, enabling us to accept each other with our own quirks and uniqueness, and show each other our true selves, which would never have been possible without someone else being there to guide us, and Diana was certainly the lady for the job.” | Claire



“I have no other descriptors than “life-changing.” For the first time in a very long time I consider myself truly happy, and I owe it all to Diana. She helped me see me for who I am and see the world for how it is. More so than this, she taught me how to apply her teachings to life in general going forward. Admittedly I was sceptical at first, but I have changed so much for the better since seeing Diana I don’t regret a single second of it.” | Josh


Lasting effect

“I was introduced to Diana at possibly the lowest point in my life. I had tried other forms of therapy in the past, and although they had made a positive difference in the short term, there wasn’t a lasting effect. After an initial consultation with Diana, I decided to go ahead with a breakthrough. Diana didn’t attempt to give me the answers to my problems. Much more importantly, our sessions together empowered me to find the answers myself. The methods which Diana used during the process enabled me to make sense of past events, and understand why I was in a very negative space. The tools which Diana provided for use outside our sessions helped me to make important changes to reach an emotionally healthier, positive space. During our sessions and since they ended, I have faced a number of difficult life challenges which in all honesty may have broken me if I had not found Diana. My breakthrough was truly life changing. I am becoming a stronger, happier, positive version of myself. Diana is an amazing human being; I cannot thank her enough for how much she has helped me.” | Anthony

NLP for children

Amazing results

“Diana worked with my 12 year old daughter. In three sessions, she transformed from being riddled with anxiety about going to school to being empowered and having more control over her thoughts. I can’t thank Diana enough for bringing happy mornings back into our lives.” | Helen


Overcoming shyness

“A big thank you to Diana, who has made a big impact to my daughter’s life. She was very shy and timid and struggled to join in with activities. But only after a few sessions she has made a turn around and has come out of her shell, and is more relaxed going to social events. Thank you!!” | Gemma, Orpington


Ending separation anxiety

“We took our 4 year old son to Diana because he was suffering with terrible separation anxiety. It got worse following a ‘settling-in’ session at his new school so we were wanted to get him some help before he started school. Diana spent less than two hours (over two sessions) with him and we were amazed at the change in him. We learnt how to help him and he learnt how to help himself. His swimming teacher was stunned by the difference in his confidence straight away. He’s now in his 3rd week of ‘big school’ and we’ve not had any tears or problems, we could even see him controlling his feelings on the first day which was incredible. His teacher said he’s settled better than most of the other children (including his very confident twin brother!) and he loves school. We can’t thank Diana enough for making school an extremely positive experience instead of a stressful one.” | Lee, Sevenoaks


Coping with bereavement

“We took our 8 year old son to see Diana after the death of a beloved pet caused a dramatic and distressing change in his behaviour. He became angry, upset and confrontational and the cheery boy we once had before had gone. He began to struggle with friendships and became withdrawn at school. Then he went to Diana and our family changed for the better overnight. She was able to make him see that he can control his behaviour and feelings and although sadness in life happens, it’s up to him how he lets it affect him. She gave him tools that we continue to use now to get through the bad days and he is more positive than I have ever seen him. He still has the odd bad day at school but they are getting less and he knows he has the control to change what happens. After our final session with Diana, he was able to tell me that he finally felt happy. He is now empowered and the difference in him is huge. I am struggling to hold back tears as I write this… Our son was so sad, angry and upset and Diana has changed our lives. We will be forever grateful, thank you.” | Alison, Sevenoaks


Managing anger issues

“My 10 year old son had anger issues and a lack of respect for me. His temper 9 times out of 10 was triggered by him being caught out when he lied. It caused much distress at home as I have two other sons and the relationship between me and my eldest was becoming very distant … I contacted Diana and after only two sessions my son had changed for the better. He is a lot calmer, not as challenging and the lies have stopped which in turn has led to him being less aggressive. The most adorable thing is that due to him being more in control of his feelings we have become a lot closer. He is more loving and every morning since the last session as he gets out the car for school, looks back and says, ‘Love you Mum’. He never did that before! Diana supported us outside the sessions and answered any questions we had. My son was at ease with Diana and didn’t find it at all difficult to respond to her. I totally recommend Diana, she really has been a miracle worker!”| Yvette, Swanley


Dealing with sleep problems

“We took our daughter to see Diana after years of her struggling to go to and stay asleep. She was finding bed time extremely stressful and was even sleep-walking at night to come and have a cuddle with us. We tried many things and nothing seemed to work. She was starting to believe she was in some way ‘broken’ and would never be able to sleep properly. Diana was recommended by a friend and we thought – well, we’ve tried everything else so why not? Within a very short space of time we were seeing improvements. Simple breathing exercises and journals were channeling her worries and calming her down before bed. Roll forward a month or two and she is completely different. We still have the normal procrastination at times, but she goes down well and is now sleeping all the way through every night! This has had such a positive improvement on her happiness and the happiness of the family. I can only say a massive thank you to Diana for working her magic! Thanks for all of your effort and support Diana – we definitely couldn’t have done it without you!!” | Dan H

NLP for teenagers

Moving on from depression

“My 15 year old son was at breaking point, full of sadness and negative thoughts. He had given up on himself and his life … and then we met Diana! After just the first session we started to see a difference, she connected to him in a way that no one else could. With Diana’s help he has now turned a corner, he smiles from the inside and his self-confidence is shining through. As a family she brought us closer than ever. Diana has a unique ability to adapt her techniques to connect with each individual and I highly recommend her to anyone who is struggling in any way. Diana is the light at the end of the tunnel. I cannot thank you enough!” | Tammy, Maidstone

Quick Transition

“My ex-husband and I recently separated. I didn’t think my children would be impacted with the separation, but I was wrong. My son went through self- sabotaging behaviors and depression. Diana quickly helped my son come out of a deep depression in four sessions. Within the first week, I noticed a difference with his self-esteem and confidence. Not only did she support him, Diana provided support and encouragement to our entire household. My son is now confident when engaging with others and has bounced back to a stronger, more positive young man. The advice provided and books, I was advised to purchase was priceless information that I would have never found on my own. Diana’s flexibility with scheduling was also greatly appreciated. We are on two different time zones, and my son has a full schedule, weekends included. I will forever be grateful for the services provided to us and would highly recommend Diana.” | Tiffany R, North Carolina

Learning self-confidence

“Diana is a kind and caring practitioner who has really helped our daughter over the past couple of months. Ruby is very good dancer and singer, but her lack of confidence was inhibiting her and not allowing her to express herself and achieve her full potential. The difference in her has been quite dramatic. Her confidence is building by the day and she is more focused, more resilient and loving what she is doing again. Ruby herself says she thinks Diana is amazing and admitted to me today that she hadn’t expected the sessions to work, but that she is very happy that they achieved together what they set out to. I noticed that Ruby trusted Diana very quickly and that this was key to the successful outcome. We cannot recommend Diana more highly and feel that she has had a positive effect generally on Ruby, not just with the specific issue she went with. Thank you Diana!!” | Laura A

Finding self-esteem

“I cannot thank Diana enough for coming into our lives and sorting us out. My 16 year old son was really down and struggling with low self esteem and anxiety. I could tell he instantly trusted Diana and felt at ease. Diana tweaked her methods to suit him to include incredible Reiki sessions. He has become much more relaxed, positive and above all happier than I have seen him in a long time. He is looking forward to his future and when we are able he is very much looking forward to seeing Diana again. I cannot recommend her highly enough. If you are wondering whether to get in touch, do not delay, do it now. I feel so reassured that we can contact Diana whenever we need to. Without fail, she has suggestions about how we can cope with the inevitable bumps in the road of a teenage life. Thank you so much, I’m not sure what we would have done without you.” | Marth K

Overcoming anxiety / depression

“My 16 year old daughter saw Diana for anxiety and depression. She began to get to the bottom of the causes and help her rebuild herself through a combination of Reiki and hypnosis. She not only supported my daughter, but the whole family. We have seen many counsellors over the years, but no one got anywhere near helping us like Diana did. She was always at the end of the phone, never judgemental. She never ‘gave us the answer’ but guided us through finding our own answers. We were sceptical about the power of Reiki but we have been so impressed, my husband is now looking into studying it himself. My teenager and I communicate much better and she is well on the way to becoming like her old self. My daughter cried after her last session as she said she felt like she was leaving a friend.”| Katie

“Raised Self-esteem and help with OCD”

“I have just got off the phone from a call with my son, who is currently enjoying his second year at University in America. It is great to see how confident, self assured and relaxed he was away from home. This has prompted me to write a belated message of appreciation for the work Diana did with my son a few years back. My son had significant problems with OCD and self assurance. Diana was able to support him by showing him techniques to alleviate the problem to a point now where it simply isn’t an issue. Furthermore the guidance Diana gave was a trigger for my son to recognise and come to terms with his underlying difficulties and he has without doubt matured into a confident individual. I’d like to thank Diana for all her help and setting him on the right track.” |Anonymous

NLP therapy for adults

“Tackling my anxiety”

“When I visited Diana I had been struggling with overwhelming anxiety. I was constantly on the verge of tears, living my life through ‘what ifs’, feeling constant fear and thinking my anxiety was taking over my life. Diana welcomed me with warmth and understanding. We tackled past experiences and memories, as well as extensively talking about the brain and what anxiety is. Together, this gave me a clear structure with how to deal with my emotions and anxious thoughts. I can honestly say I feel transformed, with healthy ways to accept and conquer my anxiety. I have a toolbox of tricks that Diana gave me, which has left me feeling invincible. Diana calls me each week to check in, but she is always a text and call away if I ever need her outside of our weekly call. She is a blessing to find. I can’t thank her enough. If you are willing to commit to this program you will see life changing results and receive 24 hour support should you need it.” | Isabelle

Healing old wounds

“Diana was the answer to my prayers. I had been struggling with anxiety for 10 years, confused, angry and scared. I had seen counsellors before but it always felt like putting a plaster on a wound, never really dealing with the problem. After seeing Diana for a two hour session, I can quite honestly say that we ripped the plaster off, cleaned out the wound and now I finally feel like I’m healing. She has taught me incredible things about myself, amazing techniques and the strength and vision to know everything is going to be ok, and that final statement feels so good to say. I was sceptical that NLP would work for me, but boy was I wrong. Being a 6’3” 100kg firefighter you’d think I’d be confident, but not being able to look myself in the mirror and tell myself I love myself without tears was impossible. After seeing Diana, I, Joe, love myself.” | Joe

Re-establishing self worth

“I am so glad that I picked up the phone to call Diana because it was the start of a process that has really helped me in a very fundamental way. My initial enquiry was about how Diana could help my son. However, she suggested we work together first to help equip me to support him. She showed me how I was carrying around certain episodes in my life as talisman and how by letting go of these I could own the decisions and choices I had made in my life and be proud of the person I am. Unlocking this blind spot has helped me create a new equilibrium between my past and my future which has been incredibly liberating and allowed me to live much more in the moment. I have gained a self confidence from the events of my past that has helped me reestablish my self worth. I can look forward to the future with excitement rather than anxiety. This has had a very positive impact on all my relationships and I feel so much happier myself, it is amazing. I feel confident to support my son and show him the love I have for him. I do not hesitate to recommend Diana, she has been totally supportive and awesome. She has been there for me and I appreciate every day how my outlook and outcomes are being affected in a positive way as a result of my breakthrough and especially Diana’s support.” | E R


Family Therapy

“I was recommended Diana for some therapy for myself, but after going to her it became apparent that there was a lot of stress coming from family relationships. I have since had a family counselling session and individual sessions with members of the family – I was unsure at first about the thought of having a session with my family but what an amazing experience. She has opened our eyes on how we view each other, enabling us to accept each other with our own quirks and uniqueness, and show each other our true selves, which would never have been possible without someone else being there to guide us, and Diana was certainly the lady for the job.” |Claire

NLP Personal Breakthrough

“My sincere review for a new friend who’s given us back our smile” 🥰

“Once upon a time I would have laughed, sneered and walked away from such claims of life changing programs or therapies. But just three months ago, when life felt like I had exhausted all avenues to save my marriage, I took a leap of faith in a process I didn’t fully understand, in a person I didn’t know and started a program I had no faith in (sorry Diana, but have to be honest 😂).

Our journey with Diana started after the realisation that the love we once had for each other had been lost somewhere along our journey of life! We were recommended Diana by a friend and after an initial consultation and reading her reviews, we started this extraordinary life changing program.

Diana has worked nothing short of a miracle to get us on track again-thankfully a new track which has given our family a new lease of life.

The program is deep and personal and Diana has been the perfect balance between professional and friend to guide us through the process. Her knowledge and experience is vast and she pulls it all together to make the program tailored to you individually. However, in my view, it’s Diana’s passion to truly want to help people find themselves, that stands her apart from others. In just one meeting, I felt confident that Diana was the right person to help us……and she didn’t disappoint! Every session with Diana helped us to learn and grow to overcome our struggles. It wasn’t easy for me. My challenges were complex and deep rooted and there were many times I felt I wanted to give up. But Diana believed in me even when I didn’t and she was only ever a message or call away any time of the day to offer her words of support and guidance. I couldn’t ask for anything more from her. She gave us her ALL!

We are still growing and learning this new way of life since the program has been completed, but with the tools Diana has given, after a long time, I feel confident to say that I see a happy future ahead for me and my family. 🙏

This review simply doesn’t hold enough space to talk about all the million great moments we now have every single day as a result of the work we’ve done under Diana’s guidance. Not only do we feel it, but the energy shift has been noted by others who don’t know we’ve been working with Diana. We are now able to communicate with love, understanding and respect, all of which had been lost a long time ago. It has positively changed us as individuals and our relationships with each other and everyone in our world….. unbelievably in just three months!

If you ever stop working Diana and read this, we just want to tell you ‘Diana, this life changing opportunity has done so much more than what you will ever realise or we can articulate. You’ve changed the direction of our lives, reconnected us to our loved ones and brought smiles to two little children that have found love through their mummy and daddy again. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts and are forever eternally grateful to you for making it happen’.

This review is for all those that are as skeptical or lack belief that is it is ever possible such ‘miracle’ transformations can happen. Well with Diana’s help, it can and it most definitely did happen to me and our family. 🥰

Diana is a truly special person and if you’re ever fortunate enough to cross paths or work with her, grab the opportunity with both hands. You won’t regret it. We whole heartedly recommend her ❤️” | Anonymous


Retraining my thoughts about myself

“During my NLP session, Diana was so sincere and determined to help me. I felt she really took the time to help me with my breakthrough – dealing with my fears and emotions – so that by the end of the sessions I genuinely felt happy and full of life. Diana helped me see how my unconscious mind was working and how I could retrain my thoughts about myself. Have I had wobbles since my session? Yes! But this has only helped reinforce the fact I continually need to work on myself and rather than the long periods of doom and gloom I used to experience, it doesn’t consume me – I’m learning to override the negative feelings and self-doubt. If you are considering NLP, I would highly recommend Diana. She’s an extraordinary woman with compassion and patience in abundance.” | Sarah, Tonbridge


Looking at life through brighter eyes

“Before I met Diana I was ‘fine’. I was plodding along with life, being reasonably ok but I knew there were a lot of things I wanted to change. I knew there was more to life than being ‘fine’. But years of failed attempts had just left me feeling more and more down and deflated. It took a lot of strength to pick up the phone to Diana for that first time but I am so glad I did because she has honestly changed my life. Diana not only works with you to understand why you feel the way you do, challenges your ideas and makes you look at life through brighter eyes, but she also equips you with the tools to make these changes stay for good. Furthermore, the reiki sessions I had with Diana were empowering, energising, relaxing and transformative. I have never experienced anything like it. Since my time spent with Diana my life has transformed. In just three weeks since my breakthrough I have found the confidence to drive on the motorway for the first time in five years (after a car accident), I have found a flat of my own and will be moving in in just a few weeks and I have all the self love needed to start dating! I now laugh more, love more and live more. If you are wondering whether to take the leap and give her a call to do a Breakthrough – stop wondering and DO IT. You won’t regret it.” | Robyn A


Removing emotional blockages

“After the first initial assessment meeting I was ‘all in’. It felt like Diana had known me for years, and I could not wait to get started at the end of that session. The actual breakthrough was an amazing process, as Diana told me it will take as long as it takes and she was true to her word. The answers came within and once you were ‘all in’ the process let it flow. Diana’s direction and understanding of how it all knitted together were amazing, you felt safe and part of a life changing experience. It is difficult to describe how it worked, but it was like emotional blockages being removed, the relief and self-understanding increased as the process developed. The time flew by and I felt an enormous weight lifted. Diana is an amazing human being and life changing. We have spoken a few times after the NLP and her wise words and counsel are invaluable. Diana, you changed our lives and my family and I are eternally thankful for the NLP, and that we met when we did. I wish I met you sooner.” | Simon


“As if a cloud has lifted”

“The change in my outlook after my Breakthrough with Diana has been quite phenomenal … I have transitioned from living a life of self-consciousness and worry to a now feeling weightless and as if a cloud has lifted. Now whenever I see someone in crisis I think to myself “They need the Diana effect”. Diana is changing the world one person at a time! I would recommend Diana to anyone who is simply ‘done’ with feeling the way they do, and ready to whole-heartedly embrace the change that she can bring to their life.” | Geeta W

NLP Time Line Therapy™

“Learning the true meaning of happiness”

“At first I was very sceptical to see Diana. I had lived with being ‘lost’ and unfulfilled for some years and had told myself it was something I just had to deal with. I had no idea how to even go about feeling any different; I’d tried everything I could do myself and nothing. Then I had Time Line therapy. Words cannot begin to describe the immediate effect of my sessions with Diana. The painstaking work that we endured throughout our sessions culminated in my life changing forever. I understand life and emotions so clearly now, and it’s only now that I realise how fogged up my vision had been my whole life! Diana helped teach me the true meaning of happiness. Since my therapy, I have overcome many personal hurdles and with every step I feel like I am understanding more about myself and those around me. The whole dynamic of my family has completely changed and I now have a better relationship with them than I ever thought I’d have! They are all currently going through huge personal changes, unquestionably sparked by the work that Diana has done with me. The domino effect is real! Diana, thank you so much – I would not be the man I am today without your help.” | Dan B

“In control of my thoughts and emotions”

“After many years, finally A BREAKTHROUGH! After spending a lot of time, effort and money on counselling (which clearly helped) I met Diana and I’m so thankful that I did. The work that I had done had achieved so much but I knew that I was not at peace and that deep down I didn’t like myself because I had still not identified and dealt with the core of the problem. Diana’s Time Line therapy and support truly enabled me to get to the heart of my issues and then to put the necessary steps in place to deal and accept. I cannot begin to thank Diana enough for how I now feel, which is content, secure and in control of my thoughts and emotions. Thank you Diana!”

If you’d like to find out more about the benefits of NLP therapy and discuss how it could help you make changes in your life, please get in touch.