NLP Personal Break Through

A powerful two-day immersive program that produces rapid shifts in mindset, allowing you to break free from limiting beliefs and create the momentum you need to achieve your life goals.

What is the NLP Break Through Program?

The NLP Break Through Program is an intensive program run initially over two days, designed to specifically target the areas of your life where you’re feeling stuck.

By using powerful techniques that access the subconscious mind, such as neuro-linguistic programming, hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy, huge shifts are created within a very short time, eliminating the self-limiting beliefs and behaviours holding you back.

This is an intensive program creating life-changing shifts over the two days. To fully integrate the changes that have occurred, I follow up with weekly 30-minute coaching sessions for up to three months, to guide you further in achieving your personal and/or professional goals.

We meet in advance before the full program starts, to uncover any underlying issues and understand the background and root cause.

How could the NLP Break Through Program help me?

If you’ve tried in the past to free yourself from self-sabotaging behaviours, but often fall back into similar negative patterns, my NLP Break Through will provide the tools you need to achieve your goals and desires.

The NLP Break Through program is a rapid way to make huge shifts in your thinking, allowing you to the create the reality you want for your life. Over the two days, any negative emotions and limiting beliefs are dealt with, allowing you to move forward with a renewed sense of clarity and motivation for life.

My clients regularly see life changing shifts within these two-day sessions, with major improvements in all areas of their lives. Weekly follow up sessions then allow you to integrate and consolidate these positive changes and new beliefs, as you navigate life from a place of empowerment.

The NLP Break Through Program is particularly helpful for those with a busy lifestyle, such as professionals looking for powerful, fast, and long-lasting result.

Diana Mellinger NLP therapist KentHi, I’m Diana, an NLP therapist since 2012. During my time practising NLP, I have helped countless people achieve a new perspective and make positive, long-lasting changes in their lives with my NLP Personal Breakthrough Programme.

I’m passionate about helping people like you gain fast and long-lasting results, even if you’ve tried conventional therapies in the past that haven’t worked.

NLP Personal Break Through is a powerful transformational journey. My clients learn the importance of building resilience and experience incredible shifts in their lives.

An NLP Break Through Program can rapidly improve:
  • Anxiety, stress and depression
  • Issues with low self-confidence / low self-worth
  • Career development
  • Relationship and family problems
  • Physical, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing
  • A better understanding of yourself and your direction in life

Inside the NLP Personal Breakthrough Programme

The NLP Break Through Program is very personalised to your needs and the length of time each session takes will depend on your personal circumstances. I work with you for as long as is needed over the two-day sessions, as well as the weekly 30-minute follow up sessions (for up to three months). 

The follow up sessions are an incredibly important part of the process. During the intensive program, huge progress will take place, allowing time to integrate and process these changes which will yield better results in the long run.

How it works

Initial assessment

A 3-hour (minimum) session is held one week before the start of the NLP Personal Break Through. 

I will identify any emotional imbalances, unhelpful thinking, goals and desires and work to find the source of the problem(s) and how you structure them in your mind.

At the end of this session, I offer an optional complimentary Reiki session, which most of my clients have found incredibly helpful after what can sometimes be a long, intensive and emotional session.

Day 1

On day 1, we revisit the outcome of the initial assessment before moving onto the powerful techniques of NLP, hypnotherapy (if desired) and Time Line Therapy.

Time Line Therapy™

Your ‘Time Line’ is how you unconsciously store your memories. Many of our present-day behaviours, positive and negative, are programs learnt from our past experiences, even if we don’t remember them.

When Time Line Therapy™ techniques are applied, any negative emotions attached to a past event are cut off at the root. These techniques also release any limiting beliefs, which is really just your perception and often completely untrue, allowing you to move forward with freedom and empowered choice.

Day 2

Continued Time Line Therapy™ if required. 

Other NLP techniques applied where necessary.

Goal setting based on your values. This helps you learn more about yourself and reflect on what it is you want moving forward.

Hypnotherapy session (if desired) to embed further all the positive aspects of last two days.

What clients say

Thank you

“I was introduced to Diana at possibly the lowest point in my life. I had tried other forms of therapy in the past, and although they had made a positive difference in the short term, there wasn’t a lasting effect.

After an initial consultation with Diana, I decided to go ahead with a Break Through. Although I was a little sceptical during our first session, the process felt beneficial. I felt comfortable opening up to Diana; she was extremely supportive and compassionate throughout.

Our sessions helped me to consider memories and events in my past (the majority of which I experienced during childhood), that up until the age of 40 I had either repressed, or did not understand as relevant to my then current outlook on life. Diana didn’t attempt to give me the answers to my problems. Much more importantly, our sessions together empowered me to find the answers myself. The methods which Diana used during the process enabled me e-to make sense of past events, and understand why I was in a very negative space. The tools which Diana provided for use outside our sessions, helped me to make important changes to reach an emotionally healthier, positive space.

During our sessions and since they ended, I have faced a number of difficult life challenges which in all honesty may have broken me if I had not found Diana. My Break Through was truly life changing. I am becoming a stronger, happier, positive version of myself.

Diana is an amazing human being; I cannot thank her enough for how much she has helped me.” | Anthony

You can find many more client reviews here


How does the Break Through process work and what is the theory behind it?

We all have programs stored within the unconscious mind created from early childhood experiences. In my NLP Personal Break Through Program, I access that part of the brain with Time Line Therapy™ and dissociate the negative emotion (anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, hurt and guilt) associated with the events at the root of the creation of the problem, as well as all limiting beliefs that stop you from achieving your life goals.

With my guidance, you then choose the values most important for you to live by, which serve as a base for goal setting. These values will support you in sustaining the shifts that have taken place during the Time Line Therapy™ and help you learn more about yourself as you reflect on what you want moving forward.

Finally, a hypnotherapy session can be used to embed further all the positive aspects of last two days.

Can my child have Time Line Therapy™?

Emotional maturity is the most important consideration when it comes to Time Line Therapy™ rather than physical age, but as a rough guide, 15/16 years old is the minimum age.

How long does Time Line Therapy™ take?

It’s hard to say exactly how long it will take as this process is individual for everyone. We go through your personal history, and then the Time Line Therapy™ process itself. Sometimes this is completed on the first day and other times we carry on the following day where needed. The two days are always long enough to complete the Break Through.

How long will it take to feel different / notice changes?

Most individuals start feeling changes on the assessment day before the Break Through begins, but each person is different and the outcome will always depend on your commitment and engagement in the process. The NLP Break Through Programme is very powerful, and by the time the two days are complete, you will notice a definite shift in your mindset.

What work needs to be done afterwards?

It is fundamental that anyone undergoing the Break Through programme understand that action must be taken to achieve the chosen goals. To see success, you must start to live by the values you elect during our sessions together. This is something I support and guide you with at every stage throughout the journey. 

How will I know it’s worked?

You’ll know that the Break Through has worked because you’ll have a different perspective on life and of the problems constructed in your unconscious mind. My clients often tell me at the end of the two days that they already notice profound changes in their thinking. NLP Break Through has a very high success rate. Your full commitment and cooperation in the entire process, ie by completing all given tasks within the specified timeframe will help you get the most out of the programme.

I’ve had therapy before, what can I expect that will be different this time round?

NLP is not a therapy as such, it’s a set of tools and techniques which empower individuals by helping change their thoughts and behaviours. By tapping into the unconscious mind, your limiting beliefs will be cut off at source, unlike conventional therapy which is usually focused on talking through behaviours and dealing only with the conscious mind, without ever getting to the root cause of the belief.

How do I implement the skills I am learning?

The purpose of the three month follow-up is to ensure the skills and learnings are being implemented and integrated. During the Break Through, I drop SMART goals on your future timeline, which makes it much easier for your unconscious mind to take action. You effectively have a helping hand to get you started moving forward.

Is an NLP Break Through just for individuals or can my partner and I do it together?

I’ve had great success working with couples with various relationship problems. Couples attend the first session together and then do the rest of the Break Through programme individually. At the end of your journey you reconnect, and we assess how you feel about the issues after your individual work is complete. I’m there to guide and support you during the ongoing three-month sessions as you navigate a new way of communicating and rebuilding your relationship.

Can one person in a strained relationship see the benefits even if my partner doesn’t do the Break Through?

What is certain is that there will be a shift in the dynamics of your relationship. After completing the Break Through you will have a more objective perspective of your issues as a couple and promote better forms of communication between yourselves.